Our services

We offer a wide range of financial services that allow us to customise financial plans for every individual's situation. With our help, you can manage your finances both in the short term and in the long term, to assist you in the planning for your future.

Retirement planning

Planning for retirement is a vital part of any long-term wealth creation and financial strategy, and it is essential that you receive appropriate financial advice based on your personal circumstances.

As part of our commitment to assisting our clients in their retirement years, Lantern Financial Group strives to help clients’ achieve financial peace of mind.

We can assist you in developing and implementing the right individualised retirement plan to meet your goals and visions for the future.

Providing retirement planning financial advice tailored to the needs of our clients in pre-retirement and retirement is one of our specialties.

Conveniently servicing Charlestown, Hunter, Gloucester, and Maitland areas. We invite you to discover the various strategies Lantern Financial Group employs to achieve our clients’ goals.


Superannuation provides one of the most tax-efficient long-term retirement savings options, but regulation and rules can change quickly. We use our knowledge to help you understand the rules and provide you with strategies to help you maximise your retirement savings.

We can advise you on super-booster strategies or the best investment strategy for your age and risk appetite. With our personal advice, we'll help you make informed decisions on investment options, contributions, and how much you super may be worth at retirement.

Wealth creation

Wealth creation is about building financial security today so you can enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle in the future. The decision to invest your money is a difficult one that will depend on many aspects. This includes your overall investment objectives, your approach to investment risk, how much time you have along with your attitude toward money. 

We can help define your personal situation and recommend financial solutions and strategies to help you reach your goals. We do this by creating the best combination of financial opportunities to increase your wealth.

As a result of our knowledge of Australia's banking, investment, superannuation, and tax systems, we can advise you on the opportunities available.

It's never too late to take control of your finances, whether you want to finance your lifestyle or your retirement.